Prem Niketan Hospital


Prem Niketan Hospital

Nurturing care/ Loving care for the unborn.

Garbh Sanskar, a scientifically proven fact, is an amazing way of teaching/ educating and bonding with unborn baby in womb during pregnancy

Traditionally it is believed that child's mental set up along with personality is greatly influenced by the thoughts of mother during pregnancy.

It is not a new concept in India, today's science has proved that intrauterine baby can not only listen, touch and feel but it also can respond by its own way

More than 60% of intellectual development occurs in intrauterine phase

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Garbh sanskar involves tradition diet herbs as per indication, Yoga, Music some of Behavioural and thinking practices and ayurvedic medication trimester wise.

Ornaments, flowers, perfumes, bathing materials are to be used according to medical astrology. All these course of actions are precursor to bring harmony in the child that is to be born. And these are the components of Garbhasanskar

Communication with the fetus is an essential part of Garbhsanskar. Stories, shlokas, mantras, sukta & songs make definite impact. Garbhsanskar is a science by itself but is a beautiful & classical way to improve intellectual, spiritual & emotional quotient of an unborn child.

We provide the platform to invite uttam santati (best progeny) by practicing Garbhsanskar - Ancient

Ayurvedic Antenatal care.

Prem Niketan Hospital
Prem Niketan Hospital
Prem Niketan Hospital