1. Ayurvedic consultation with Physician.
- Ayurveda Consultation
- Video Consultation
- Phone Consultation
2. Diseases we treat
1. Nija Roga (Endogenous Diseases)
Diseases arising from internal imbalances, primarily due to the imbalance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
2. Agantuja Roga (Exogenous Diseases)
Diseases caused by external factors like trauma, infections, or toxins.
3. Sharira Roga (Physical Diseases)
- Cardiovascular System Disorders (e.g., Hridroga - heart diseases)
- Nervous System Disorders (e.g., Vatavyadhi - neurological disorders)
- Musculoskeletal Disorders (e.g., Sandhivata - arthritis)
- Skin Disorders (e.g., Kushtha - skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema)
- Reproductive System Disorders (e.g., Vandhyatva - infertility, Yonivyapad - gynecological disorders)
- Urinary System Disorders (e.g., Mutrakrichra - dysuria, Mutraghata - urinary obstruction)
4. Manasika Roga (Mental Diseases)
- Psychological and psychiatric disorders, including:
- Unmada - insanity or psychosis
- Anxiety and Depression - stress-related disorders
5.Janmabala Pravrutta Roga (Congenital Diseases)
◉ Diseases that are present from birth, often due to genetic or prenatal factors.
6. Sangyabala Pravrutta Roga (Trauma-related Diseases)
◉ Diseases or conditions resulting from physical injury or trauma.
7. Kalabala Pravrutta Roga (Seasonal Diseases)
◉ Diseases that occur or are aggravated by seasonal changes.
8. Doshabala Pravrutta Roga (Diseases Due to Imbalanced Doshas)
◉ Diseases caused primarily by the imbalance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.
9. Sangyabala Pravrutta Roga (Iatrogenic Diseases)
◉ Diseases caused by improper medical treatments or interventions
10. Adhyatmika Roga (Spiritual Diseases)
◉ Diseases arising from spiritual causes or karmic factors.
11. Yuktikruta Roga (Artificially Induced Diseases)
◉ Diseases that are deliberately induced, such as those caused by poisoning or drug addiction.
12. Parinama-bala Pravrutta Roga (Diseases Due to Aging and Natural Decay)
◉ Diseases that occur due to aging and the natural degeneration of body tissues.
13. Karmaja Roga (Diseases Due to Past Actions)
◉ Diseases that are believed to be the result of past actions or karma.
3. Availability of standard ayurvedic medicines and natural products
4. Panchkarma therapy on OPD basis also
1.Classical Panchakarma
- Vaman
- Virechana
- Basti
- Nasya
- Raktamokshana
2. Other Panchkarma Procedures
- AKSHI TARPAN : For Eye Treatment
- UDVARTANAM : For Reducing Body Weight
- KATI BASTI : For Back Pain
- KARNA PURANA : Instilling Medicines Through Ear Canal
- JANU BASTI : For Knee Joint
- ABHYANGAM : Ayurvedic Body Massage
- ABHYANGAM : Ayurvedic Body Massage
- Uro Basti
- Greeva Basti
- Janu basti
- Kati Basti
- Nadi Swedana
- Patra Pinda Swedana
6. Detoxification and Rejuvenation packages (including lodging, Satvik Aahar, Ayurvedic treatment and panchkarma therapies.) (7 days / 11 days / 15 days / 1 month Packages.)
7. Beauty therapies
- Ayurvedic Hair Care
- Ayurvedic Pedicure
- Ayurvedic Manicure
- Ayurvedic Facial
8. Prakriti analysis
9. Ayurveda Dietary advice.
10. Yoga & Meditation
11. Psychological Counselling
12. Lifestyle and behaviour modification advice
13. Ayurveda Training